Dress sewing pattern.
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VERY EASY PATTERN --- Sweet Pea Girl and Toddler Dress Pattern.
Sweet little Sweet Pea is a super easy dress to make, you can run it up in under 2 hours. Sew the seams, make the casings, thread the elastic, hem and it's ready to wear. Make it plain and simple or dress it up with trims. You can use just one fabric or mix and match multi prints. A very basic, easy pattern for a very stylish little summer dress. Plus a baby pants pattern in sizes 00, 0, 1, 2, 3.
SIZES: 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 to fit children 6 months to 10 years. INTERNATIONAL SIZING: size relates to age e.g. 2 = 2 year old child. A size chart in inches and centimeters is included.
EXPERIENCE: Beginner with basic experience, perfect for the novice.
FABRIC: Most suitable are light weight woven fabrics e.g. poplin, lawn, homespun and similar fabrics. If you are a beginner choose fabric that is easy to handle e.g cotton.